Presentations of speakers Natural Homes Conference 2016

Herbert Gruber - asbn, StrohNatur - The natural building in Austria & Europe

Daniel Grmela - The experience from strawbale buildings in the Czech republic

Petr Coch Shaman - Organica - Our journey to the natural building in Slovakia

Ľubica Gulášová – Clay plasters and tadelakt as a part of the interior aesthetics

Anka Zawadzka & Jan Dowgiałło- Crowdfunded strawbale house

Honza Bešík - Possibility of using hemp for building

Radek Hála – The timeless building in harmony with life 

Zuzana Kierulfová – The reconstruction and new buildings inspired by the nature

Jan Hrabec - Furnaces and stoves as the heart of a house

Karel Plotěný – The sustainable water management

Petr Skořepa – The self-sufficiency, creation of communities and off-grid systems

Pavel Minář – The meaningful saving technologies for housing

Rainer Warzecha – Makunaima -The development of the “Earth Village and Earth Labyrinth “


  • 26/04/2016 11:56


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