Our team
Viktor Karlík – a coordinator of our group, lecturer, builder of straw houses and natural playgrounds, producer and supplier of straw bales and the main organiser of the BAOBABYFEST and The Natural Home Conference
tel. +420 605 371 737
Daniel Grmela – a planner and designer focusing on the low-energy natural houses. He works with straw and clay.
Lída Temelová – designs and creates interiors, natural playgrounds, residential and recreational facilities made of natural and recycled materials. She also creates websites, invitations, posters...
Martin Hart – provides consultations and creates interior design including a realization of surfaces – clay plasters, washable cement screeds and solid wood flooring.
Phone. +420 777230186
Stano Vaňek – the architectural studies focused on straw houses, the project documentations necessary for a building permit in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. A dissertation focused on clay houses.
Phone: +421 907 692 592
Zuzana Králová – a restoration and reconstruction of folk buildings with the use of natural materials. The architectural studies focused on straw and clay houses. The project documentation for building permit in Slovakia.
E-mail: zuuuuuuuuuuu@gmail.com
Sanko Sejk – the architectural studies focused on straw and clay houses. The project documentation for building permit in the Czech republic.
E-mail: sankosejk@gmail.com
Jindra Sláma – a carpenter focused on straw houses with the use of other natural materials. He is constantly monitoring a development in a straw building area and various building techniques in the world.
10/03/2017 00:00
Konference-Stavby z přírodních materiálů 2017
Občanské sdružení Baobaby srdečně zve širokou veřejnost na konferenci „Stavby z přírodních materiálů Praha 2017“, která se koná v příjemných prostorech KZ Domovina v Praze ( Holešovice, Na Maninách ) od pátku 10.3. do neděle 12.3.2017. Víkend plný přednášek, podnětných setkání i rozhovorů...